Join the family! Support us with a monthly recurring donation and ensure that we NEVER run out of supplies!

Are you Born to Care? Help us take care of the homeless in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore

Join the family! Support us with a monthly recurring donation and ensure that we NEVER run out of supplies! image




Are you Born to Care? Help us take care of the homeless in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore

We need to raise $6,000 a month for operational expenses. Every dollar gets us closer!

Come out with us once and you'll find out the homeless aren't exactly what you thought they were.

We meet Mrs Anita last summer. She was sitting on a walker all by herself. No supplies - nothing. We tried over and over to give her food or clothes and were angrily turned away. Love won and we eventually wore her down with kindness!

She had given up on life. Her husband of many years had passed away leaving her homeless at 80+ years old.

With no one to turn to she ended up on the streets.

You may see a group of people and think they should just get a job. I know I did. But talking to them as individuals reveals the whole story.

Please help us care for our friends. To do this effectivley we need to raise $6,000 a month for operational expenses.

We WOULD LOVE to have you join us one day! Just pick a Tuesday or Wednesday and shoot an email to

Thank you for reading this!

In Care,

Josh Handschuh